A+ is one of the biggest independent labels in Russia & CIS that works both with local & international artists
Released tracks
signed artists
Commercial distribution of music and videos
Digital and mobile distribution of master and publishing rights
Synchronization of master and publishing rights in advertising, movies, TV series, TV shows, and public events
Physical distribution
Vinyl records, CDs, compact cassettes
Registration of rights
Registration of rights in PROs and control over fees
Radio promotion, press management, and SMM of releases and artists
Working with the media and opinion leaders
Publications in print and online media, cooperation with bloggers
A+ is an independent Russian music label whose catalogue includes the largest artists in Russia and the CIS, as well as international hits. A+ acts both as a music distributor and publisher. We offer our partners various services for working with audio and video content: commercial distribution of music and videos, synchronization, physical distribution, registration of rights in PROs, as well as running advertising campaigns.
Novodmitrovskaya Str., 2, bld.2 (Moscow, Russia)
Designed by Alexid
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